Australia's Real Estate Industry Unites In Support Of Our Bushfire Affected Communities.
/I’m proud to say that the Australian Real Estate Industry has come together in an unprecedented way to help support those communities affected by the recent bushfires which occurred throughout Australia.
Several industry thought leaders have joined together and the fundraising site was recently launched with several real estate networks involved, including McGrath.
The support is being provided in numerous ways…
Funds raised will be going to The Australian Red Cross, the Salvation Army, St Vincent De Paul and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in a particular order as outlined below (Source:
“As real estate agents, we work with people and are part of their local community. We want to support our communities through the three phases we ‘ve highlighted below.
The Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army are first responders. They’re the ones on the grounds, manning evacuation grounds, feeding people and making sure their basic needs are fulfilled.
St Vincent de Paul is mainly staffed by volunteers who live and work in every local community - they have 630+ physical locations around Australia. Not only supporting first responders they work with local communities through the rebuild and store phases, making sure those in need get what they need - whether it be financial support or the replacement of household goods.
WWF are our fourth charity whose focus is on rescuing wildlife during the crisis but also on reforestation and restoring habitats/climate change.”
There are several ways that the industry are also looking to get the broader community involved:-
Offer Your Home To A Displaced Family
Attend A Local Fundraising Event
Make A Generous Donation
This afternoon the website had just ticked over $600,000 raised so far.
To keep-up-to-date with the industry campaign and see how McGrath are involved, click here
Congratulations to all involved. This should provide a fantastic collaboration of much needed support.
Hopefully as an industry we can do a lot to help these communities get back on their feet faster.
Again, well done.
Greg Vincent